This consultation will last for 12 weeks. Questionnaires should be returned by 10 June 2015 at the very latest.

The purpose of this public consultation is to consult all interested parties on possible measures that can reinforce the competitiveness of the EU aviation sector:

  • The EU aviation sector serves passengers and EU businesses and has a hugely positive impact on our economy and on the life and mobility of EU citizens and businesses.
  • Aviation plays a crucial role for delivering on the priorities of the Juncker Commission   and wider strategic policy priorities of the EU.
  • The global landscape of aviation is changing rapidly, thereby creating challenges but also opportunities for the EU’s aviation sector.

In the Commission’s 2015 Work Programme, “A New Start”  , an “Aviation Package” is therefore foreseen to identify the challenges facing the EU’s aviation sector and measures that can bolster its competitiveness. The Aviation Package is expected to be adopted by the Commission by the end of 2015. This public consultation is an important element of the stakeholder consultation.

Source: European Commission


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