A new body to represent UK transport interests in Brussels, UK Transport in Europe (UKTiE), was launched in the European Parliament on Monday 15 November, in the presence of the Deputy British Ambassador to the EU, Andy Lebrecht; the Chair of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament, Brian Simpson MEP; Conservative Transport Spokesman, Jacqueline Foster MEP Director, DG Move, European Commission, Jean-Eric Pacquet; and Deputy Head of the Siim Kallas Cabinet (with responsibility for the new Transport White Paper), Kier Fitch.
The forum also heard keynote speeches from Andrew Haines, Chief Executive of the CAA, Richard Knight, Managing Director of J.P. Knight Group Ltd, Roger Cobbe, Board Member of ATOC, Prof. Roger Vickerman, Dean of University of Kent in Brussels, Lord Berkeley, Chairman of the Rail Freight Group, and Richard Lax, EU Affairs Director of Kapsch. They were joined by 50 delegates representing over 20 major UK transport stakeholders.
Mark Watts, the former British MEP who chaired the launch said:
“The clear message from UK transport stakeholders present at the UKTiE forum was that with the majority of transport laws, and most regulatory costs, now coming from the EU industry must do more to engage with Brussels. In particular early engagement in the policy, legislative and budget making process was essential.”
Brian Simpson MEP, Chairman of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament and Labour Spokesman said:
“The UK transport industry needs an organisation like UKTIE that looks after its interests in Europe. I look forward to it being a regular forum.”
Jacqueline Foster MEP, Conservative Transport Spokesman said:
“I welcome the launch of UKTiE. It is a splendid idea. I look forward to working with UKTiE in the months ahead.”
Delegates agreed the next step is to build UKTiE membership so it can begin the work of helping the sector more actively engage in Brussels. One of the first projects will be to set up an ‘early warning’ system for new Commission proposals.
More information from Mark Watts – markwatts@luther.co.uk
Notes for Editors:
- Organisations present included DfT, UKREP, CAA, National Air Traffic Services (NATS), British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, Arriva Trains, Association of Train Operating Companies, Freightliner Ltd, British Business and General Aviation Association, Manchester Airport Group, JP Knight Group Ltd, Transport for London, Hutchinson Europe, Kapsch TrafficCom, Confederation of Passenger Transport, Greener Journeys, British Chamber of Shipping, and the Freight Transport Association.
- UKTiE Membership is open to UK transport stakeholders (UK based but not necessarily UK owned).
- A website will be launched next week, www.uktie.eu and plans are in hand for the next event, around the time thelaunch of the new Transport White Paper.
- UKTiE is supported by Luther Pendragon Brussels, Britain’s leading independent consultancy in Brussels .
- Photos available.
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