In Brussels the TRAN Committee says ‘Let’s Get Down to Business’ ahead of new Commissioner-Designate Hearings. In London, UKTiE plans a strategy meeting with key UK transport stakeholders and DfT.
Welcome to the tenth edition of the Transport Chronicles, your premier destination for the latest updates, trends, and insights in EU-UK transport affairs. Dive into this edition for all the latest developments and insights.
If you seek more insights or want to join UKTiE, don’t hesitate to reach out! 🌿🛫🌱
We thought it would be useful to share some of the key documents and provide some insight each month or so, ahead of the TRAN Committee meetings of the European Parliament. Hope it helps us all work together to continue to create a sustainable, smart, safe and resilient transport network. And a short video summing it all up in less than a minute. Let me know if this is useful.
We’re also busy preparing our UK-EU transport ‘reset’ event in London on November 11th for key UK transport stakeholders, in partnership with DfT. As the new UK Government sets out to reset the relationship with the new European Commission and Parliament in Brussels, what does the UK transport industry want from the new relationship in terms of policy, regulation, Horizon Europe, borders and trade barriers? And what’s the engagement strategy. Let us know if you wish to attend, spaces are limited.
P.S. can’t promise future videos will always be less than a minute, but it’s a good goal to aim for 😊
🌍 TRAN meets today, 14 October!
15:00 – 18:30, Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q1
Agenda here.
Main items:
· Presentation of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency:
– Nándor CSEPREGHY, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Construction and Transport
– Anikó TÚRI, State Secretary for Administrative Affairs
Background information here.
· Vote on Amending Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community (2024/0011(COD)) – First exchange of views – Rapporteur: Tom BERENDSEN (EPP, NL)
Background information here.
· Implementation of the Single European Sky (recast) (2013/0186(COD)) – Adoption of draft recommendation for second reading – Co-rapporteurs: Jens GIESEKE (EPP, DE), Johan DANIELSSON (S&D, SE)
Background information here.
· International Maritime Organisation (IMO): Feedback from the 108th session of the Maritime Safety Committee and from the 82nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee – Exchange of views with the Commission
Background information here.
🌍 Key take-aways from last Committee
On Monday 7 October, transport MEPs voted to start trialogues on driving licence, driving disqualification, maximum weights and dimensions in traffic, railway capacity and maritime safety rules.
🌍 Latest Committee Newsletter
🌍 Work in Progress
🇪🇺 🇬🇧 Engaging in Europe – new horizons. Stakeholder event Monday 11 November, London

As the UK begins to reset relations with Europe, UK Transport in Europe (UKTiE) will be hosting a meeting for key UK transport stakeholders aimed at developing an EU engagement strategy for UK transport, in collaboration with DfT. The event, initially postponed due to the UK General Election, will take place on Monday, 11 November from 11:00 to 17:30, in London.
The agenda will encompass discussions around the UK’s transport priorities, the Government’s intentions to reset the UK-EU relationship, Horizon Europe, EES/ETIAS, transport priorities, trade barriers, and opportunities for enhanced collaboration with our European partners. Let us know if you wish to attend, spaces are limited.
🇬🇧 Engaging in UK
With the election of a new Government UKTiE will be reaching out to engage with the new Government and Opposition, as well as relevant Select Committees to discuss our work and inform policy making.

Mark Watts, Chief Executive of UKTiE recently met the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, to discuss UK-EU transport priorities.
- Date of confirmation hearing of Commissioner-designate for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas: 4 November at 6.30 pm
- Next extraordinary TRAN Committee: TBC
- UKTiE UK-EU Engaging in Europe – new horizons event in London with DfT: 11 November
- End of year UK-EU transport networking event in Brussels: December
#Transport #Tourism #EuropeanParliament #EU
Information and images: Many thanks to the European Parliament©
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